Honestly, I am not sure what I would do without having access to the Internet. Every time I come home from work, I heavily rely on my dsl to have some fun in life, especially after work when I need to be entertained.
Even though I don’t use dial up Internet anymore, I have some very fond memories from the time when dial up was reality for me and for my family. I can still recall in my mind the sound of dialing an dial up connection and it definitely brings some memories. A few of my friends still use their dial up connections and it seems that they are rather happy with them. They wouldn’t have it any other way. I also, when I am used to something, might not want to change things so easily.
What is your current internet service provider? Are you happy with his services? To me, many things matter when it comes to having an Internet service provider. I want the service to be reliable, but also affordable at the same time. I don’t think that I am that demanding because I heard somewhere that the offer of copper.net starts at $9.95/month. This isn’t that much compared to how much fun you can have due to the fact that your Internet always works and that you can trust that it will work no matter what. This is something that many modern Internet users need to know: having the assurance that when they come home, their Internet connection is going to be in working order and that they will be able to access any website under the sun.