It amazes me and it has always been amazing me how some websites on the Internet become very popular. An example of such a website is without any doubt Facebook. Everybody has heard about Facebook and most people I know have a Facebook page. Even very young children already have their Facebook pages their parents usually help them with. I don’t want to talk about personal Facebook pages that people have for fun only, but instead I want to talk for a while about business Facebook pages and business facebook page design.
I log in to my Facebook account almost every day. I like doing so because every time I do it, there is always something nice waiting there for me. The number of my Facebook friends keeps growing and I find it enjoyable to track this number as it grows. I remember when I had zero friends on the day when I created that account, but I right now I have a few hundred of friends, which is a nice feeling.
Facebook, aside from being used by individuals to socialize with others, it also a great marketing tool for businesses. I see it all the time. Businesses launch Facebook pages just to promote their business, but also to stay closer and in touch with their customers. I don’t know how many times I have visited business Facebook pages over the last week, but there must have been many of them. I sometimes notice that I visit more Facebook pages created by businesses rather than individuals. It seems that the idea of business Facebook pages really work and more and more companies out there see a lot of potential in Facebook and everything it has to offer to them.
Businesses should never forget that they need to take care of their business Facebook design even more than individuals need to do so. People tend to judge businesses based on their Facebook pages. I know it for a fact because I judge the Facebook pages of all businesses I happen to visit online. If their page looks less professional, I am less likely to want to deal with them in the future.